| Digital Humanities PLUS
Project Description:
The University of Salzburg (PLUS) and Salzburg State Digital Humanities project "Digitalisation in the Humanities,
Social and Cultural Sciences (HSC)" comprises 8 different subprojects, out of which we participate in two:
First, the project on "How Material Came into the Picture (KIKI)"
(led by the Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Medieval and Early Modern Period - IMAREAL -
see a project description), and Second,
the "Wenceslas-bible digital edition and analysis"
project (led by the Department of German Language and Literature, see
a German project
These projects are conducted in
collaboration with Isabella Nicka (IMREAL) and Manfred Kern (Department of German Language and Literature).
- [Nicka23a
] Towards a distant viewing of depicted materials in medieval paintings Isabella Nicka, Andreas Uhl, Miriam Landkammer, Michael Linortner, Johannes Schuiki In Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023)Graz, Austria, Zenodo, July 10 - July 14, 2023
- [Schuiki23c
] Towards Using Natural Images of Wood to Retrieve Painterly Depictions of the Wood of Christ's Cross Johannes Schuiki, Miriam Landkammer, Michael Linortner, Isabella Nicka, Andreas Uhl In Image Analysis and Processing. ICIAP 2023 Workshops (Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition (FAPER'23)), pp. 359-371, Cham, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14366, Springer International Publishing, September 11 - September 15, 2023